
By Bom

Silver Washed Fritillary

Another beautifully sunny day and hot this afternoon, albeit windy. This morning I went to the Holt Country Park in search of butterflies. I did spot three different types, but there were very few around. The path down 'butterfly walk' was very muddy and the flowers on the brambles were mostly over, so not much food around for the butterflies. I actually saw more dragonflies down that walk than butterflies. I've added an Extra collage. I do like the silver washed fritillary's that are there, but they weren't landing much today. No sign of white admirals which I'd expect at this time of year. This afternoon I spent some time out in the garden reading. 

I was interested to hear the first report from the Covid Inquiry, but I have to say I thought it was telling us mainly what we already knew. I personally would rather see much cheaper, shorter inquiries and then action taken and followed up. The lack of preparedness didn't surprise me as an Internal Auditor, planning for such emergencies is rarely taken as seriously as it should because of the large cost involved vs the perceived likelihood of it happening (on that manager's watch!). Executives rarely get the concept that if the risk is catastrophic enough, the cheapest option is to prepare. And if I'd reported that the business should prepare for a new virus that meant the country repeatedly went into lockdown for months and largely had to work from home, I think I'd have been laughed at, nobody would have thought that was likely. 

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