
By pandieb


Thanks to a bit of encouragement from another Blipper I did eventually get my shoes on and get out for a run before it got too hot this morning. If it does nothing else, running perfects the art of procrastination. The number of times I've found the time to tidy /clean /do laundry before I actually get out of the door is quite astonishing.

My mother is 80 next week. We haven't repaired our relationship but she has asked all of us down to lunch with my brother and his family and one of my two - also elderly-  aunt's (the other lives in Milan and is now too old to travel) and her husband. I was struggling to know what to get her (as I said to Himself, it's got to be something we like as it will probably end up coming back my way) until he had the bright idea of a plant in a pot. So off to the garden centre we went and came back with a very nice lemon tree.  Hopefully I can keep it alive until next Sunday.

Plus an extra of the cat trying to find the mouse I'd just evicted into the garden last night. "It was in here just now, I know it was"

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