
By Frontier

Passing Trains and Humidity

Cassimm - I Hear You (Original Mix)

A hot day. Long commute, good coworkers and work.

What’s great about the long commutes is the ability to read and study. Although I’m tired just from the heat, the air conditioning really helps and I can do some vocabulary and reading exercises.

I get more time to chill out at home. More than halfway through Spiderman 2 on the PS5 which looks pretty and the cut scenes are cool. The game is a little boring in so far as that it’s the same game style as Far Cry, most of the Sony AAA titles and a little easy. I’ve downloaded Resident Evil: Revelations and can’t wait to play it even though I haven’t finished Spiderman 2 (or Ghosts of Tsushima). It’ll be a lot more exciting. I love Resident Evil 4 remake.

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