
By JanetH

Buttercup at Buttermere

LPH Day Five - Our last day :-( ... but it was a great day :-)

Took my first photo at 4.28am today! Not a planned photo trip, I stirred slightly and looked out the window, saw the mist and knew I had to take a photo, took three out of the window, considered getting up and going out for a photo shoot, thought better of it, turned over and immediately went back to sleep!

We spent the day at Buttermere, which is where we started on day one of my first visit so it felt as though I had gone a full circle! What a difference from that first day though, not just in the weather (last time it was raining hard) but in my approach due to all I have learnt on both weeks.

I was determined to blip all landscapes this week but I spent a lot of time getting friendly with this buttercup to get the shot I wanted ... and it has got a landscape in the background!

It has been a wonderful group to be part of. Many thanks for a great week John and Gail.

Big Adventure Day 36 - LPH Buttermere
Photos 414/5166

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