#Lucky, happy & loved

By J4n3t

Post-op day 7

This time last week I was part way through getting my new knee.

Last night was tough, I didn't really sleep.

It felt like might leg was on fire.

I was a little worried, thinking it was the start of an infection, thankfully not.

The lovely slipper 59 reassured me and I also read some evidence about it.

I don't for the life of me remember anyone telling me I'd be able to fry eggs and bacon on my leg lol.

Anyhow, a shower and cool packs along with pain killers have done the trick.

Last full day that my sister will be staying with me so we're having a lazy day with a Midsummer Murders Marathon and lots of leg elevation.

Analgesia need is getting less.

Currently using.
Codeine 30mg 4 times daily
Paracetamol 1gm 4 times daily 
Oral liquid morphine 5mg fir breakthrough pain (only one dose needed in last 24 hours).

Thank you everyone, sending hugs xx

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