Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Best Meetings

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I ate a pie for lunch. It was a weekend leftover pie that Caro did not get around to, so I was tidying it up, really.

I'm extremely vigilant.

But afterwards I experienced the old chap wave of tired digestion. I kind of like it. It is the essential inevitability of it. A nap is coming and all you can do is accommodate it or find yourself wobbling on the couch thinking about fluffy pillows.

I did not fight it. I took myself off for that most delightful of hybrid-working meetings, the between-meetings-lunchtime-nap-with-a-cat.

Crashy was very excited and nudged frantically at my hands, stopping me from actually getting in bed with him. But eventually I was in prime nap position and the pair of us had a very productive meeting together.

I wasn't much use in the Sprint Retro afterward mind. Not that anyone will have noticed because Sprint Retro.


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