Letters to a soldier

By Jessie0908

Beautiful flowers

This is a photo of a bouquet of flowers that I had bought for me from one of my clients at work as a leaving present and the other is a pot I bought myself today.
I love flowers, I find they always cheer me up :-)

My boyfriend Dan has been waiting for months to hear from the army about joining and finally today he received an email with a medical form to fill in. It's such good news for him as it means the balls started rolling and so hopefully will all happen quite quickly now. Although we're both very happy it does make me feel more nervous now I know soon he'll be leaving for 6 months and ill be home alone!! I know he'll do me proud though, as he always does.

We've also been looking at holidays and decided to go to Majorca for a week in September and then when he gets back from 6 months training we'll treat ourselves to somewhere exotic for a while. Something to look forward to while he's away :-)

Lots of things going through my mind tonight, mainly money related but also that general rubbish that plagues your mind when you're about to fall asleep keeping you up for hours!

Anyway a nice sunny weekend and a long day at work for me tomorrow. I can't complain, I look after a lovely man who has disabilities and I'm sure most of my day will be spent in the sun with him :-)

Night all, sweet dreams Blippers :-)


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