Today's the day

By sheilwill

Dee Estuary

Today's the day ........................ to guide

A beautiful morning down at the harbour in Kirkcudbright.

This is the view from the end of the quay, looking westwards towards the Marina.  Just beyond the moored boats, the River Dee takes a sharp left-hander - and continues to meander its way southwards till it flows into Kirkcudbright Bay and on to the Solway Firth.

You can see the green pilot light on the wall of the building on the quayside.  The red and green lights are very necessary to guide the boats safely into the harbour.  The difference between high and low tide in the estuary can be as much as 8 metres.  That means plenty of water at high tide - but plenty of exposed mud when it isn't.

Another successful Raeburn Tour this afternoon, with six punters today. It's such a well put-together exhibition that it's an easy thing to guide people around.  I'm really enjoying it ........................!  

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