Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Be more dog?

Certainly not. Be totally cat!! ;)

When questioned, the girl in the phone shop expressed a hatred of cats, thought the ad was weird and pointless and that the message 'Be more dog' was possibly meant to inspire feelings of fun, trust and loyalty...
I like the advert. Mostly because I really like cats. It has to be said, it doesn't have much to do with phones.

Anyway, we were only there because mum is buying herself an iPhone. She has all sorts of reasons why she needs one but basically she just really wants one. Having just set it up for her I have to admit I want one too. Tough. I'm stuck with my shit one until my Tesco contract runs out.

Maybe when it does I'll be more dog and join O2. More likely I'll be totally cat and do whatever most benefits me with the least effort.

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