A day that started out quite grey and full off worry…Does my school want me back?
Is my headteacher unhappy with the gaps I had suddenly left? Was I going to leave the school under a cloud? Was there a job for me in September???
so many unknowns made so much worse by HR’s decision that people of sick should not be contacted in case it was viewed as pressure.

I went in for a meeting with my headteacher. Unsure if I was going to met with serious face and tough questions.
However it was really a positive, kind and sensitive meeting with a few teary eyes and hugs from both of us. Such a relief.
Unfortunately atm there is no post in Sept atm but the head has asked me to leave my tiara (don’t ask) as a reminder I will be back…October/ November. It’s a new trust merger and they think the school can do all SEN plus pastoral stuff in 3 days…good luck with that then!!!
Either way I feel much more at ease. I was honest with her that her silence had hurt me but she has been doing head and SENCO and end of term so I think school life just got in the way.
She came out to see The Rev too who had been waiting in the car and had invited us both to the social on Friday.

The day just got more colourful as the grey cloud lifted.

My agency has also been so kind. They are trying to sort out sick pay. It’s not something you usually get as a supply teacher, but it’ll be a bonus.

The Rev and I then went out for cake and a cuppa and I could breathe a massive sigh of relief.

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