From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Dust to Dust

Oh my word it's definitely hot down here today! I had to leave the blinds shut for most of the day again.

It was 9pm and there was an owl hooting from the kitchen when I started this. It was that clock I bought from Robert Dyas on Wednesday. Do owls really come out that early? Oh well....

I am writing this very quickly to get it done before I nod off again in the heat but please feel free to read as slowly as you like. I feel as if most things about me have slowed down this week. I suppose that's no bad thing really. At least I finally discovered what was the matter with my report. It's like most of these things you stare at for ages and then it hits you in the middle of the night and you nearly want to get up to try it out then and there. Fortunately, I'd dozed off again and forgotten about it when I initially started work but after my first lovely chat of the day I had my theory proven and was well on the way to getting it finished.

I was full of good intentions to get logged off by 3 but I was distracted by an email from one of the training companies we use. I replied back straight away deciding I might as well get lively and at least find out what's around for the next stage of work I am happily being drawn into. A couple of emails later and a lengthy talk with Nigel at StayAhead has left me fully armed with information for Monday. How weird it is that I have ended the week with more enthusiasm than I have had for years. I'd better make the most of it..

I was a bit late going out for a walk after work but encouraged by my second lovely chat of the day, I wandered down to St Giles Church and took a few pictures there. I hadn't been down there since March and I was amazed how overgrown and scorched looking everything was. The air was so still and heavy. I was glad I'd put my boots and jeans on as pumps would have been no defence against the crumbling gravestones and uneven rubble strewn paths. This was one of the first pictures I took. I think the HDR effect emphasises the dried out overgrown look with a solitary bunch of flowers on a barely tended grave. I didn't stay long as I felt a strange cold shudder in the heat and hurried home after that.

Track? David Bowie today I think - Ashes to Ashes

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