
By KCNQ2Haiku

Another Tuesday..

Productive day, drew
some planning pictures and felt
quite pleased with myself!

Ben is still at respite. I cleaned, tidied, spoke to family, walked dog, brushed seeds out of dog’s fur post-walk and then sat down to draw some planning pictures on squared paper for a new wall we want, that I’ve been putting off for ages. I’m quite pleased with myself :-)
In the evening Mr KCNQ2Haiku and I went out for a quick bite in our local veggie restaurant, we love it there (see photo of its ceiling!) The best part was that on a Tuesday at 7pm it was so full they could only seat us in the bar!! You hear of places having to shut down due to lack of customers and high expenses but ‘full on a Tuesday’ feels like a Good Sign for the future!

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