
By Jaybay

Glorious day

Clearing the larder I found a jar of mincemeat that goes out of date in August so hubby requested mince pies. The kitchen smelt great and he was pleased with his afternoon treat.
Vacuuming cobwebs was a job for this morning, living in such an old building seems to attract them. Forgot to mention the little visitor we had yesterday, cute tiny mouse ran across the kitchen and straight back out again when we shocked each other.
For months now we have had a campervan parked in front of our kitchen window and it makes the room very dark, today hubby popped out when he saw the owner getting into her car and nicely asked if she could move it as it was blocking the light, she did.
Another warm and sunny day so hubby got a bit of gardening done and we had a walk up the hill to see how his knee felt, it wasn’t too bad so perhaps a bit further tomorrow.

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