Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Bob a Job

This is our granddaughter, K. She wanted to go to the sales tomorrow with her friends. J said if you paint the fence I'll pay you so much per panel. She worked really hard taking into account the heat. She made a good start today and was duly paid. The money will be gone by this time tomorrow, but all will be well in K's world. Bob a job dates back a few decades, when the Boy Scouts used to come knocking on people's doors. They would ask if you needed any jobs done, and if you gave them a job you would pay them a bob. A bob was slang for one shilling, which is valued today at five pence. K was horrified when we related this story to her. She was paid a lot more than this, needless to say. She is worth every penny. She is wearing J's old overalls and still manages to look drop dead gorgeous. We are very proud of her.

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