Strike that. Reverse it!


Kids eh!

~Hi son!
~Good Day at school
~would you like a drink?
~What would you like for tea?

You get the gist. This is the view I have had of my eldest since he got in from school. When did 7 become teens? He is happy though which is reassuring and his "ughs" had a happy tone to them.

Nobody said how hard this parenting lark is. Leaving Mikey to be a teen tonight as I know from tomorrow morning he will be a worry wart and become very young again. He may surprise me and take it all in his stride but I know how much he worries. We are off for his pre op in the morning, hadn't planned on telling him about his op till nearer the time but have no choice. So until Tuesday I have a feeling we will have alot of reassuring to do :(

In the meantime we are going to have a very lovely Friday night, hope you all do too xxx

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