Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Cake and Death

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Today Caro wanted to go out and take pictures of cemeteries. This is to provide her with marketing materials for the funeral home. 

She loves this sort of thing and is therefore taking the initiative. 

Loulou came along too and we discussed death in a big way. We talked about options and I revealed that Caro's work chat has helped me decide what sort of arrangements I want. 

Or rather, what arrangements I definitely do not want. I'll spare you the detail but some arrangements are a little undignified. And I don't want my ethereal spirit peering down on the proceedings in embarrassment. 

Loulou and I both agreed that we'd like to be a bench though.

At cemetery number two I decided to let Loulou and Caro go for it on their own. I was very tired and fell asleep in the back seat. This is unusual for me, but I've been exhausted lately. 

I then nearly shat myself when Caro came back and attempted to throw her jacket on my face. To be fair to her, she also nearly shat herself.

And then I complained because I had been promised cake. "I was led to believe there would be cake and death," I moaned. 

Loulou is a very nice lady and bought us coffees. I ate my cake happily.


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