Bee Tornado

By ouster

Runeberg's Spring

I spent a very pleasant day with mrs BT and my father-in-law driving in the countryside. We visited the town of Mänttä and its 14th yearly Art Festival, had lunch at the stately Mäntän Klubi (a former country club type of building used for the paper factory's public relations and workers' recreation), then continued a bit northwards to the town of Virrat.

At a village called Killinkoski, we visited the camera museum and checked out the retrospective photo exhibition of artist and blip member nadarsander 2000. His portraits were truly astounding, enjoyed it very much.

From Virrat we headed south towards Tampere via Ruovesi.

Today's picture is taken in Ruovesi at a spring which is named after our national poet J.L. Runeberg who lived and worked in Ruovesi for the year 1825.

The two sturdy planks are used to get to the middle of the well where the water bubbles from an underground reserve. The product is crystal clear and contains no microbes. The best cool drink I've tasted for a while!

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