love is a verb

By loveeveryminute

Not what you think

Around here, when someone says “red bird”, they mean a cardinal. However, not every red bird IS a cardinal! :—) I finally got a decent shot of a summer tanager! He was in the blueberries.
I was thankful for this bright spot today. We drove to have breakfast with my cousin. We delivered a canvas her daughter had ordered from Jessica. Then, we went to the hospital to visit 2 very ill friends. One has leukemia, the other cancer and pneumonia. I saw pain and fatigue in both but also a longing for release,. Heartbreaking but they are believers and know the best yet to come.
Then we visited some other friends and had a wonderful time.
But we were thankful to get home and in the garden. We picked more blueberries and enjoyed the avian company. They were all in the bushes, chattering and fussing at us.
Be blessed.

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