This is the tiny potted rose my friend brought me on Tuesday.
Feeling much brighter today. My lovely neighbour came in again today to let Daisy out and make me a cuppa and some breakfast. She stayed for a chat too.
Then at 10:30 T came (my 5K walking buddy) to walk Daisy. She was gone for well over an hour as she took her home to play with her as well!!!
She stayed for a cuppa until 2 when Mum and A arrived. I got myself some lunch as o was quite hungry by then. Mum had brought stuff down but I got a meal sorted. She did a few jobs for me but in the end I persuaded her just to come and sit with me!! Just as they left J (O’s godmother and an old colleague) arrived. We chatted until 5:30. I was quite tired when everyone left so had a quick snooze.
Activity today : folded some washing and emptied the dishwasher :)))
A toastie for tea and an early-ish night.

Blood results came back infection levels and blood clot test all trending down … so all good

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