
By LensMount

Trains, planes and remains

Day 5 of hols. We went to Berlin's Museum of Technology, which is an amazing museum a bit like Summerlee and York Railway Museum combined.

Lots of trains but the highlight for the kids was on the top they have a plane suspended on the roof bellow it there is a floor you can walk on but its made of mesh so you can see down the 5 floors bellow you. I couldn't walk on it, Sam and Brodie though it was very funny as they could.

Afterwards we got off at Oranienburgerstrasse as this was "mine and Diane's Stop" last time we came to Berlin about 7 years ago. Lots had changed, all the cool bars, galleries and the art cinema had closed and all that remains are the shop fronts, which looks like it will be redeveloped. We walked past the big Synagogue which still has to have Police guards outside it.

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