
By Lizimagiz

St Mary's Church, Blenheim

And the rain came down and the wind blew and blew and it was bitterly cold... That describes the weather here today. And the rain continues tonight.
Our Camera Club has had a very busy couple of days with our big monthly meeting last night and a workshop all day today.
I only just managed to capture an image for Blip before the workshop this morning. Even then the rain had started and the blurry patch on the top right hand corner of my image of St Mary's Church is a big fat raindrop on the lens of the little Panasonic Lumix.
St Mary's Catholic Church is one of my favourite buildings in Blenheim. It is wooden inside and out and is a beautiful example of late 19th, early 20th century architecture. Alas it does now require significant earthquake strengthening but services are still being held in the building.
Our Camera Club meets regularly at the Parish Centre next to the church.
Today's photography workshop was held in a delightful little building called the Mercy Room. It was formerly a small chapel. As a non-Catholic I am not too familiar with that building's history but it certainly had atmosphere.
Our workshop was conducted by BG, extremely skilled photographer from Wellington. The subject matter included visual design and composition and the twenty or attendees had an extremely interesting and stimulating day. We felt we had learned lots and that B's teaching will have helped each of us on our individual photographic journeys. In fact the whole day was inspirational. We are all set to go forward and experiment and try different styles of photography. All good stuff!

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