
By windychickens

Home bound

Photo taken from car as leaving campsite. This is the river we swam up. Yesterday the wind was strong and the water choppy.

Woke up at 6 as torrential rain attacked the tent. Good tent. :-) so we didn’t break camp immediately. Needed to be out by 10 and thankfully the weather brightened to dry off the worst by 9.

Poor Natalie was still unable to put her foot down :-/ but managed the necessities of life with true grit :-)

Journey home ok. Too much traffic and a stop for simple lunch and loos.

We dropped Natalie at Urgent Care c/o Chase Farm Hospital where her husband was waiting. Thankfully, it’s a bad sprain and not worse.

Unpacked and sorted car back at EmCoops. Home. Catch up.

A great trip.

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