
By AnnieBurke1


One of my best friends, Chloe, has lived in this maisonette in Harrow Weald for as long as I have known her.

The only way I can describe Chloe's house, is my Teenage-hood. I cannot describe the good times we all spent at in here, and have so many memories. There was a time when me and all the girls practically lived here!

From the parties, to the sleepovers Chloes house will always be a place where I have my fondest memories. The sad thing is, is that she is moving now, out to Kings Langley.

I came round today to collect some things I still had left at her house. Chloe and I had a big catch up in the garden, and reminisced.

It was a nice afternoon, visiting her at this house for the last time! Goodbye Chloes House, you were amazing! I wish her and her family all the best for the move :-)

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