On Some Days

By V1k1

Over the Hills and Far Away . . . Led Zeppelin

I walked higher today in gorgeous sunshine.  I will put a temporary extra in to show how I could look down on the estuary.  Next week my aim is to get to the cell phone tower.  It only looked like a couple more  up hill bits from where I got to.  The seat I stopped at had a plaque to a chap 1955 - 2012 and the inscription: To live with compassion, to love, to seek truth, and to do no harm.  Wise words I thought.  A fantail followed me down the hill.  I saw the blip of two lads having a chat at a table on my way back down.  I liked the shadows.  
This afternoon my friend rang me to say she loved the photos I sent and they arrived in one piece.  

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