Appointment with the surgical team in Vincent's Hospital about the hip. They're very happy with progress judging from the X-ray. As to the 'anything troubling you' bit, I was told to continue to be patient. Whereas four months ago I was told that 'some people' find it can take six months to be fully back to normal, now the wait for normality got extended to twelve months. I'm due back in six, when there'll be another X-ray and feedback review. In the mean time I'm to continue doing what I'm doing, and to walk through the pain if I can at all.
Being already over Southside, I phoned my mate Dave in Bray to see if he wanted to come out to play. He balked at the idea of meeting in town, but was okay when I told him I planned to call over to him for coffee and chat. We sat out in his garden basking in the sunshine while the younger dog licked my hands and my arms and my face - all very affectionate. We parted company coming on for 4:00 pm as walkies time approached and dogs were beginning to become restless.
Back home via the N11 and M50 for a bit of a lie-down before going out to Ashbourne to meet up with my pals Derek and Rita. Their son David was there too with his almost three-year-old daughter Lily. She put on a bit of a floor show before we sat down to eat. We had coffee outside, and chatted as we always do. I left around 10:00 pm after my usual pleasant evening.
So, no major expedition today, but an enjoyable day nonetheless. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
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