Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Not As Good As Last Night......

When I went up to bed last night there was a strange colour outside the bathroom window.
I went to the back room and saw THIS...... so I ran downstairs and grabbed a camera (or two) and took a bunch of shots in various directions over about a minutes. There are more following that link.

So ... on to day.................
Picked up a load of meals for delivery (a late request to cover for somebody) then it was down to the doctor for blood to be taken - followed by SWMBO.
Then it was off to do the drop offs. 
Why can streets not be marked properly? .... or houses/flats not numbered?  - and why can people not be in/up/answer the door when they have ordered stuff and know when it is coming? I think I got 3 people answering their doors.
We were outside our last delivery when SWMBO got her phone call consultation from the doctor about reducing medication she has been on for many years. It went well.

After lunch we set off for the community hospital near Dalkeith .....some diet class for SWMBO.
She recons she is too well educated for that group (probably is) and there was absolutely nothing covered that she isn't doing, so we may not be doing that horrendous trip again. While she spent an hour and a half in a nice warm room, I had a short walk before taking shelter in the car and listened to the radio and the rain hammering down.
By the time she came out it was rush hour. Oh what a joy the City Bypass is at rush rush ... made even more joyful with the weather.

4 shots from today Here (not nearly as uplifting as the other link).

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