Skate Culture Article #12: Thursday Club...
Now I don't know if this is solely a Scottish skateboarding thing or it is nationally or even internationally recognised but here in Scotland at least, there has been a long tradition of Thursday night skateboarding. I couldn't tell you why or how it started but for as long as I can remember there has always been a tradition of skate session get togethers in this country happening on a Thursday.
If you look at the session schedule of indoor skateparks which cater for BMX, scooters and inliners, you will more often than not find that evening of Thursday is set aside as skateboard only night. It was happening in the old Dundee skateparks 10-12 years ago, it happens in the indoor parks around edinburgh today.
It's not only restricted to the indoor parks however, if it's dry and the weather is conducive to our four wheeled pursuit, Thursday is the day of the week you are guaranteed to find the best session going down at the skatepark.
Notes of Skate Culture Articles...
This is part of a series of Skate Culture Articles I've been writing as an insight into the sport of skateboarding for an outsider. You can find the rest of the articles by entering tagged skateculturearticle by tractorfactoryphotos into the BlipSearch.
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