Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Cuteness Overload

Not everyone will necessarily appreciate the "cuteness" reference, but I think this tiny insect is about as cute as it can get.  It is the nymph (baby) form of some sort of plant hopper in the Family Issidae . I am nowhere close to a genus for this little thing, but I'm giving myself permission to let it go and not obsessively search for a narrower identification.  I'm just going to settle for "cute insect".  

Another very hot day with humidity hovering around 45-50% which is fairly unpleasant (but not as bad as it could be).   As a consequence, the Boy and I didn't spend a lot of time outdoors today although we are both sitting outside right now.  I've kept the bird baths filled with fresh water and a supply of suet available.  There is no shortage of insects, so no one is going hungry in the bird world.  

Speaking of birds, three of my nest boxes are occupied again - one with 5 bluebird eggs, one with six house wren eggs and one with an indeterminate number of house wren eggs.  I am getting rid of this last box at the end of this season just because it is nearly impossible to monitor it due to a poor design.  Maybe I will see if Hubs can retrofit it somehow.

Our new sofa is being delivered tomorrow morning, so we are dropping Jax off at day care for the day.  He has some "stranger danger" tendencies so we don't need him barking at the delivery people while they are hefting furniture in and out.  And he will enjoy an extra day at camp this week.

I searched the garden this morning for more of those lovely little bees that I saw yesterday - nothing.  But I did find a beautiful Squash Vine Borer Moth in the milkweed.  I'll put a shot in Extra and keep fingers crossed that I get another chance to photograph one for my main image soon because they really are quite beautiful.  I also saw a Snowberry Clearwing moth this afternoon, the first of the season.  I'm in insect heaven.


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