Fruitful labour

Once I have posted this I am off for an early night as I am absolutely puggled! The morning started with a slightly damp cloud and it was perfect for a good long walk with the dogs but hopeless for photography as the light was very flat and the hills had disappeared.

Once I got home I decided to make a start on hedge trimming but had really just got into the swing as the sun started to burn through, but I kept on for a while having got all the equipment out! Then i mowed all the trimmings so they could be composted - I haven't started on the Leylandi hedge yet as those clippings have to go to the tip. I then picked the largest goosegogs and some blackcurrants and have made them into a tasty compote for freezing. The garden is needing a lot of watering so, like everybody else I expect, i spent a good while doing that and then topping up the rain barrels with tap water so it can sit and warm up.

A light supper and I went off to my yoga class to relax my body after all its hard work. During the summer holidays the three yoga teachers all take it in turns to offer a drop in class in the evening and it is a good opportunity to try different teachers as they all have individual routines. It was a really good stretch and work out tonight and I feel the better for it.

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