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A Busy Collage For A Busy Sunday

We gathered at FBC today to lift up worship and praise God, well aware that there are people in our state who are under threat of dealing with a hurricane and possible flooding, even as we were starting our service with a congregational song.  That song was followed by a welcome by McGinty which was followed by special music from Jubilate, the mixed ensemble I sing in.  During the month of July, the choir and orchestra are on sabbatical, so our the musical groups in our church take each take a turn providing the special music and Jubilate took the first Sunday.  After we finished our song, the worship team took over leading the congregation in a few more songs.  Then it was Pastor Wes who led us to open our Bibles to 2 Chronicles 17: 1-19, to see what we could learn from the example of King Jehoshaphat, whose father, Asa, had started out so well, but became proud of his own accomplishments to the point that he no longer sought God and His will and came to a bad end.  His son, Jehoshaphat, was determined to seek God, to do His will and God honored that desire to know Him, to do His will and lead his kingdom in a righteous way.  Pastor Wes had much more to say about this which you can hear and see on the Live-stream, which would be well worth your time.  During the offertory, Jubilate was privileged to sing one more song .  We ended our service by welcoming officially those who had completed our New Member class......Aire To The Throne will be doing special music next week which is always a treat!  

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