Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Arctic Tern

I saw the Terns diving and couldn't resist trying to take a shot or maybe thirty or possibly forty.  They move fast and I'm sadly short of practice at focusing on something that changes direction faster than my eyes.  The only shot that I could display was this one. 
I had to get the bird book out.  I know it's a Tern but which species?  Those in the know, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it's an Arctic Tern as it hasn't a black tip on its beak.  It was flying around with black-tip-beaked birds, but that could have been a coincidence.  

Where are the experts?!!!!

Having mentioned the number of species that visit Montrose Basin every year, I shot this image and it came to mind that it would be an idea to count them, one by one, as Blips.  I'll probably need to age more years than there are species, but will be fun. 
Don't worry. It won't all be about the birds. :)

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