
By Pinkhairedlady

Daytime clubbing for the over 30s

A fun day out to celebrate my friend Susan’s upcoming birthday. I took Phin for a quick walk to Newbattle in the morning before heading into town to pick up Miss PHL from her trip and take her home.

I left the car at Miss PHL’s and headed up into town to meet for lunch. Mr PHL was due to drive in and join us but he called to say there were roadworks due to a protest march and the streets were gridlocked so he was heading home again.

Lunch eaten we headed to the nightclub where the daytime disco was being held. It said on the poster over 30s but I reckon the average age was closer to 50. The music was fabulous, the DJ was really getting into it, and we had a wonderful afternoon. The drinks were flowing and when we emerged into the daylight around 8pm, it felt really weird.

Some pizza en route to the train station helped to blot up the alcohol and I was tucked up in bed by 10!

Thanks to KangaZu for keeping the SillySaturday challenge alive in memory of admirer.

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