
By LesTension


Something tells me that I've Blipped this machine before.......in the vast recesses of my cerebral folds there lies a recollection of asking for some help in identifying this beast.  If that is all true, mea culpa.....but it's worth another look nonetheless.
It's an Ambro Triumph Special.  Certainly from the 60s but the exact vintage is unknown to me.  First and only one I've ever seen....and I see a lot of race cars.   Basically it's an aluminum body fitted to a Triumph of some vintage.....starting with TR3s and working on upward.  I was curious about why this concept ever evolved as I thought the TRs were pretty cool as is.  The following WIKI info is all I can find about it quickly:
Bill Ames (William E. Aldrich-Ames) and Dewey Brohaugh constructed an aluminum-bodied TR3 and dubbed it a Peyote. Their next creations were constructed out of fiberglass and initially fitted to a TR3A chassis. Copies of the 80-pound body were sold to enthusiasts and often fitted to chassis with wheelbases ranging from 88 to 102 inches. The chassis was not confined to European marques as some were placed atop of American chassis. It is believed that around 40 bodies were created and carried a price tag of about $350. 

Production lasted from 1961 through 1964 until the project was sold to Jerry Scrabeck of Minnesota. Under Scrabeck's tutelage, another 12 examples were constructed. For a while, the project lay dormant, until it was rejuvenated by Bill Bonadio in the 1990s who began the Dio Tipo kit car with the approval of Brohaugh. Since that time, Bonadio has produced several examples which were dubbed the Type 61 and Dio.
And remember.....racecar spelled backwards is racecar.

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