
By tridral

Coedwigaeth… yn y pen draw

Coedwigaeth… yn y pen draw ~ Forestry… eventually

“I've often thought about how all these different life forms occupy the same space as me during a given moment and how easy it can be to get so wrapped up in your own world you forget you're part of something larger and marvelous.”
― Noel Marie Fletcher, (Windows into the Beauty of Flowers & Nature)

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O gwmpas ein cae 'dros ben', mae'r cyngor wedi dechrau plannu llawer o goed fel rhan o 'Goedwig Caerdydd'. Hefyd maen nhw'n gadael y glaswellt i dyfu sy'n annog datblygu o'r seilwaith y llwyni bydd yn cefnogi'r coedwig newydd.

O leiaf, dyna beth rydw i'n gobeithio.

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Around our 'surplus' field, the council has started planting many trees as part of the 'Cardiff Forest'. They are also leaving the grass to grow which encourages the development of the bushy infrastructure that will support the new forest.

At least, that's what I hope.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Glaswellt hir yn y cae yn yr Eglwys Newydd
Description (English): Long grass in the field at Whitchurch

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