Desperately seeking

By clickychick

I Had No Idea!

I had absolutely know idea what I had photographed. After using a flower recognition app I discovered that the 6' high plant was a water figwort. A couple of years ago we bought wildflower plants for the lodge garden. Some were for damp places so I guess that's where this came from.

When I got the photo on the laptop I saw there was a creature, the same one as I'd photographed on one of its leaves. I thought it was a tiny beetle. I had no idea what this was, either, when I saw it large.

I couldn't find it on any photos of invertebrates but, while I was looking up water figwort I saw a link to things that lived on them and discovered that there is a figwort weevil and the photo of its larvae look very like this one in Extras The advice is to tolerate them as they provide food for birds.

An exciting F1 Qualifying round with Brits in 1st, 2nd and 3rd places on the grid for tomorrow (Russell, Hamilton and Norris). Tomorrow afternoon at Silverstone will be the place to be!

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