
By Ridgeback13

Low key

Yet another disappointing day weather wise, with only glimpses of brightness so we didn’t get any gardening done, instead A did some laundry, we both did some laptop stuff (thank goodness I finished the overdue review). We amused ourselves watching a veritable stream of sparrows queueing up at the little feeder they have on their window next to the back door. It was like a busy service station, and they powered through the seed that was in there! We had some soup and cheese on toast and I did some ironing for them then we ended up having some downtime on the sofa whilst the rain streamed down again…so depressing!
We FaceTimed Mt and chatted about Boston, Lego, new jobs, slugs in wellies and Ann Boleyn before I then came home and did some more planning for this week. Of course the sun came out about 8pm!

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