Blips by cb

By cbimages

Ancient and Trusty Steed

This bike must be nearly twenty years old.  I have to pump the rear tyre every time I go out, so it needs some repair and TLC, but it works fine.  I bought it with an electric motor fitted and rode it to work a few days a month, taking the charger with me as the battery lasted only the 18 miles to work, but now it's just a 21-speed  which I use to exercise my sore knees and get my lungs working (on these very steep hills) to control my blood pressure – between heavy rain showers . . .

I sometimes think of the day-long rides that my nephew, Yanto Barker, would undertake from my parent's home in Herefordshire, years ago.  He would come back from having ridden over 150 miles and empty their fridge of any calories he could find. 

Finally, we watched the last episode of "Douglas is Cancelled" last night; it was very well done and I won't say how it ended, but I really enjoyed the whole series.

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