The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

I succumbed the lure of a new coffee machine. There is still nothing wrong with the old de Longhi, but this one has a pressure gauge, and I've wanted one of those since I did a barista course 5 years ago. I've yet to start my career as a barista, of course. Anyway, this one is far cheaper than the shiny-looking ones in John Lewis, and I can donate the old one to Share and Repair. 
Before we went to the supermarket to get this, I did a bit of sorting/attempted clearing. We have over night guests on Tuesday. Steve's printing supplies are also kept in the spare room, so he is going to finish sorting the room out tomorrow. 

As for trying to dry bedclothes, haha. I left a duvet cover on an airer in the garden when GG and I went out walking, but the rain came on, monsoon -style, so I phoned home where S had already rescued the cover, and GG and I decided to give the outdoor concert in the park a miss. At least we had had a brief woodland walk. 

I've been doing the jigsaw since I got home, and listening to a heavy audiobook and light music! Cheese/ ham on toast for lunch. Have finally thrown the bedding in the tumble dryer. This machine only goes on about twice a year, but today's the day. 

Now I'm so tired I've decided to have a little lie down , but Steve has beaten me to it! 

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