
By MumOf4Wildlings

Productive day

It's been a busy and productive day. I started the morning off fixing a puncture. The bike was annoying.  It's the only bike of ours where I actually have to take the whole wheel off to get the inner tube out. Anyway it's fixed so that's a bonus. 

I took a leaf out of blipper wildwoods books and started on my clothes.  I've bagged up one massive bag so far for my sister and some for the clothes bin. I'll do my wardrobe tomorrow. 

And then with a break in the rain I powerwashed the front. It's so satisfying. Mr R  will do the back. We have a landscape company hopefully coming this week to re lay it all and cement it all. It's a big job as he will be going round the whole outside of our house. 

The jedi is still in big boy pants. He hasn't peed once today and is holding it in. It's a learning curve for him. He was quite stressed today sitting on his potty. We have 3. And a small toilet seat . Surely one of those will help. 

The wildlings are just about to get chucked in the bath. 
I'm having a early night tonight. I want to try a new running route tomorrow night. I'm going to aim for 8 km. We will see. 
I go for a shoulder injection on Tuesday so I won't be running for a few days. 

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