Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Rooster References

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Today I watched Kat watching "Nosferatu" which is a film I have NEVER SEEN.

I feel like a bad horror movie fan in admitting this. 

It's just that I sort of feel like I've seen most of the movie anyway, via clips and such. It is "iconic" as the young people say*.

Kat had also never seen it. And it was so much fun watching it with her. Free to talk through the whole movie, she did. My favourite parts were Kat supplying the dialogue for "Knock" (who is the Renfield character in the movie).

"Heh-heh-heh-heh-heeeehhhhhhh!!!" she cackled. "That's him cackling not me. Ah ha!! The master is comiiiiing!! Heh-heh-heh-heeeeeehhhh!!!"

There were other comments that tickled me too. She was confused by Count Orlock walking around during the day. "What's he doin', flappin' around in broad daylight like that?" she asked. 

As an animal lover she was not scared by the rats. "Awwww!! Little cuties! I used to have rats! Would recommend! Ten out of ten!!" she volunteered.

She did struggle with the title cards though. She read them all in her best actor-ey voice but then she talked about a boat "being pilleted into port".

"Wait. Did I just say 'pilleted'? I mean 'piloted'. I just said 'pilleted' on YouTube. Erase that from your memory. I know I'll try to."

But my favourite part was when she read the title card, "Wherefrom there is no salvation except that a woman without sin should cause the vampire to forget the first cock crow."

She openly giggled. She could not help herself. "I don't mean that sort of cock YouTube. Don't de-monitise me," she begged. 

Every mention of the cock from thereon caused her to wiggle her eyebrows and smirk. And there was a LOT of cock-talk.

Honestly, it was the BEST way to start my Sunday. Kat cracks me up. 

And then Caro got up and watched crime shows on tv all day. And there were many, many cats.



p.s. Actually immediately after watching this I watched Kat watching "Arachnophobia". She opened this by saying, "Ahhh it's a movie about big spiders, right? All you need is a big shoe. Movie over." 

* Mind you, the young people call EVERYTHING iconic. Ice-cream, sausages, small dogs. Everything is "iconic".

And why yes, now that you mention it, I have turned into an irritating old person! You're welcome.

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