Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

Fast Asleep Zzz

Well not quite, as I took this photo!

I was awake at 5 am (which is perfectly usual), but then I like to make a peppermint tea and return to bed and read until around 6 am.

Honey, of course, is full of beans and ready to play. She trotted off to her toy basket and came back with a play spring for me to throw for her. So high jinks on the bed until the spring fell on the floor.

 I took two of the books from my bedside table. I've finished the Fast 800 by Dr. Michael Mosley and have just started 'Fast Asleep'. Honey discovered the ribbons on the end of my bookmark and thought it was a new toy, just for her!

After yesterday's downpour in the morning and then again towards the evening here, today's weather forecast is much on the same lines, with a tendency to storms. So a home day then. This is the story of our wet spring and early summer, interspersed with sudden hot and humid days, which, I'm glad to say are not prolonged!

Have a happy Sunday whatever your weather!

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