Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Green and Yellow

One of these colours stands a very good chancing of winning the election in our constituency!

Another offering from my sorting of things which must go, that is unless I put them back on top of the kitchen cabinets and save them for a blip with primroses. 

No! I can't do that. I have so much clutter kept just in case it might make a good photo. I'm a bit like the now deceased blipper AlisonM who kept dead bees, skulls, etc for her photography. Yes, I'll find those too, when I get around to that bit of sorting!

We did our bit and went out and voted this morning and stayed up to see the start of the votes coming in. It looks like there will be no surprise when I turn on the news in the morning. Ah, well, I don't have a red teapot!

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