
By Marik_i

Another graveyard walk

I can't walk very far yet so I am restricted to the church and the graveyard approximately 300 metres (yards) away. We must also add that in this small town the old graveyard is the only park there is.

Today I looked up the grave of the teacher in the first school in town because there is a tie to my grandfather. When my grandfather was growing up, it was customary that young boys served as farm hands for a year. They received a report card in writing that they could present when applying for the next job next year.
My grandfather was seventeen when he worked in the farm where the widowed sister of the teacher was housewife. He was also going to the confirmation school at the same time.
My grandfather was a reader all his life, so I am guessing that he may have been able to borrow books from both the teachers, as the wife of the male teacher was also teacher.
There is also another aspect about this teacher that I want to mention: he was a photographer, and this must be where my grandfather got his interest and skills in photography. It was not common at all in those days to own a camera and to be able to develop the (glass) negatives and to make paper prints of them. But my grandfather documented his family's life through to almost the years when I took over.

My grandfather was 17 when he served at the farm in1895. The widowed housewife was in her forties, her brother, the teacher was 41, and their daughter was 7.

Extra. Grave of the daugter Hertta. Both graves on two sides of the large tree.

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