
By Munroist4113

The People’s Theatre

We went to pick up #3 daughter then on to the People’s Theatre where Ella and Nathaniel were performing in their drama school’s summer show. It was so professional with students from 5 to over 18. The older ones are there for professional examinations.

The first part was Rocketman and after the interval it was singing and dancing from Joseph. I was impressed with Ella’s elegance and poise. Nobody would have known Nathaniel had missed 6 weeks (because of him being in the play) as he knew all the songs and dance moves. He’s a real little showman. He didn’t even mind having to wear pink dungarees in Rocketman though he did say he preferred last year’s costume which was a tuxedo.

In the interval I got us a drink and I recognised the young woman who served us - I’ve seen her in blips! So I sent my regards to her dad.

After the show we all went to Lemongrass, a Thai restaurant in Jesmond. It was very tasty and Nathaniel approved of the size of the prawns though he did ask for no chillis. Ella likes things spicy. It was lovely to see them again. Nathaniel has had a call-back for a role in a commercial. It involves rugby but no doubt he’ll know more later.

We are quite tired still. Obviously we don’t have the partying stamina we had 27 years ago.

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