talloplanic views

By Arell

Lost and Foundry

This morning involved a lot of being lazy, but not so lazy that I spent all morning digesting breakfast and thus being incapable of anything useful until lunchtime.  I got out my scraper and bucket of mortar and did a healthy round of repairs to the garage corner and also the driveway where the cheap and nasty concrete is crumbling away.  I also went round with the weedkiller again since last time didn't seem to be having much effect.  Naturally, it rained later on.

This afternoon, hastily getting ready before the huge cloudburst reached me, I headed east and jolly well went to North Berwick.  I wanted to visit the zero waste place because they have lots of stuff, some nice hi-fi items included.  Nothing took my fancy, though I did enjoy flicking through a couple of Ladybird books, including "bridges" of which I remembered almost every page.

So I had a wander down the high street, got a bit wet in the rain, dried out shortly after and then got too warm walking around in my heavy motorbike jacket, so I availed myself of a bench – for there are many – and praised myself for all the money I saved not buying an ice cream.

Clockwise from top-left:
1) Bass Rock was standing proud, covered top to bottom as always in bird poo.
2) What used to be North Berwick open air swimming pool, long since converted to a car park and then boat park.  The blue-painted bleachers used to be on the far left-hand side of the terrace but have been removed since my last visit in 2011. Happily, if curiously, the individual changing rooms at what used to be pool edge level seem to have all been rebuilt.  Beyond the boat park the former car park is all dug up.  It would be nice if they were building a replacement pool.
3) There are lots of islands around this part of the coast.  The darker, nearer one on the right is Lamb, and farther away with the little lighthouse is Fidra the Pan European's namesake, Fidra.  Like all the islands, it's about 330 million years old.
4) Riding home I took the B-road from Dirleton to Drem, and came across another K6 telephone box.  Of course, I had to stop to inspect, and…it's a Lion Foundry telephone box!  I had earlier photographed its Lion counterpart in North Berwick which has been modified to include an ATM.
5) While ambling back to the car park I took a different route just because, and whaddya know, I happened to look down at just the right time and found another Lion Foundry product.  This one is a stop cock cover.  There are at least three others like it in the town.

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