
By MrsK277

M and M's

Hyde Hall with Michelle and Marian and Me. We have done this trip together before my crash and burn last year and I was only slightly anxious, but it was definately there. It helped that I met Michelle first for coffee, together with a delicious pistachio & pear scone and a good chat. It was already incredibly hot. The cottage garden looked amazing and there were various people painting, dotted about.  We talked to a lovely lady called Melanie who took some photos of the three of us and we returned the favour and talked of other gardens to visit.
We all tried Marian's trick of putting the camera in amongst the plants and all peering in. I liked the results.
Hot and tired after 4 hours it was good to sit in my #happylittleshed for some cooler air, mosaicing into the later evening.

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