
By Ridgeback13


Read the papers in bed with tea this morning looking at the election analysis….very disappointed that with Thangam Debonnaire losing her seat we no longer have the opportunity to have a truly knowledgeable culture secretary as we’d hoped…instead I’m not sure what Lisa Nandy will bring to the role…I’d sort of hoped Thangam might have been given a role via a Lord’s appointment (in the way Patrick Vallance and James Timpson have been - both good appointments). Hey ho, you can’t have everything!
Tidied up a bit then headed over to A’s and we played with Paisley a bit and had coffee then went down to Kelso for a bit of shopping in Country Corner (we were amusing ourselves at N’s plans for full on country clothing for his new job!) and then a browse around the garden centre and late lunch there, planning some options for A&N’s birthdays that are both coming up quickly.
When we got home we saw loads of people lined up waiting for the annual Borders truck parade. We waited in the car too and were about to give up when they started to roll through…horns blazing and everyone waving. They drive over 100 miles around the Borders to raise money for charity and there must have been about 50 of them…quite the spectacle!
We set to in the garden, planting up some of our purchases and watering the greenhouse plants. Had just finished watering the rest of the garden when the heavens opened….it poured for a few hours so my efforts were a bit of a waste of time!
A made a lovely cod in tomato sauce was upper and we watched some TV.

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