Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


I had a morning of resilience training at work, which was better than I thought it would be, but came possibly thirty years too late in my case :-) I had taken the precaution  of not staying up all night watching the election results, as I figured it was best not to fall asleep in resilience training. Broadly, we covered things I have had to learn myself the hard way.

Of course one of the things I’ve learned is that it’s good to get out for a walk from work at lunchtime, and I’ve been doing that regularly for the past twelve years or so. Blipping also had something to do with that, so this journal is probably also part of my wellness regime, and the walk and the blipping reinforce each other.

In the park, there was enough sunshine for a few butterflies, including this Green-veined White, a dozen or so Ringlet, a few Meadow Brown and a Red Admiral. It has still been a dreadfully quiet butterfly year though. The climate emergency is certainly testing their resilience.

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