New Home

We picked up the keys to our new home today.
Staying put in Islington till the new place is decorated and a few jobs are done.
This was our first meal there, sitting on the floor (nothing to sit on) from Tesco. Cheap and cheerful.
Had a visit from our eldest and her two gorgeous children.

Weird day though, instead of going to the estate agent with hubby to get the keys, he dropped me off at urgent care at what will be our local hospital. I had hoped I was getting better but had to see a doc. Hopefully I’m all sorted now that I have antibiotics.

Went home to Islington via Ikea Wembley, just to look. Didn’t buy anything apart from the proverbial ikea meatballs for dinner and two bags of crisps. Lots of ideas though.
We’ll be back.

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