A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


We had a lazy mooch around Malvern this morning.  Went to the museum a return trip to which has been on the agenda since pre-covid but as it's tiny and isn't open all the time, we rarely align with it's open periods.

Despite being tiny it's well organised and covers pretty much everything Malvern from the monks at the abbey through to the boffins at RSRE (government research body initially developing wartime radar, and my first personal contact with Malvern mumble years ago).

I was amused by the box of granite which I hope is a sampler and not how it was delivered :o)

We followed this with a Bluebird Afternoon Tea, naturally followed by immobility until friends joined us for games in the evening.

Pleased enough with the election result.  Very glad to see the Cons decimated but narked with Labour putting up a nominal remote candidate for Malvern who split the non-Con vote so we still have hapless Harriet.  

The rise of the racists is worrying; at least schools will no longer need to teach how Hitler got voted in. 

Next door (and thus most of the friends visiting this evening) got a Green MP - positively jealous.

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